What happens to returns?

What happens to returns?

We’re all overly aware of the effect we are having on the planet, whether that be through consumption of energy and water, or the insane amount of plastics that we use and discard on a daily basis (more on this in a later blog post!).

Recently, the BBC published an article about the colossal amount of returned products that end up in landfill. That is, those items that we buy that either aren’t what we were after (but are otherwise perfectly fine) or have a fault. Too many of these returns are sent straight onto landfill, apparently due to a lack of appropriate software to classify items properly.

But let’s face it, it’s more a lack of desire to address the problem and, principally, invest the money needed to deal with it.

We are more than aware of BTR’s impact on the environment and do try to implement sustainable processes and materials wherever possible. For example, our returns (or any other bits of random stock such as samples) are either sold on eBay or we pass them on to our local hospice, St Barnabas, who then sell them in their shop. It’s probably not perfect but we hope we’re reducing the amount of stuff on its way to landfill.

We welcome ideas from our customers on how to make our business as environmentally-friendly and sustainable as possible. Are there aspects that you think we could improve and, if so, how? Do comment below or email us with your ideas. 


Similarly, if you are taking part in a charity/sponsored ride/run or other similar event, then contact us and we may be able to give you some free gear to use, as we did with our friend Stephen with his Young Hearts Tour. 

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