All change…

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All change…

As with many of you, the lockdown and other effects of Covid-19 have made big changes to our working-life and, as we’re a family-run business, our situation at home. 

Whether you’ve ordered from us or other businesses, you’ll be aware that Royal Mail is struggling to cope with unprecedented demand. We use the word ‘unprecedented’ as they’re reporting that they are having to deal with larger volumes of mail than at Christmas, yet without the usual back-up army of temp workers AND fewer regular staff due to self-isolation. Crazy times. You can see how Royal Mail is doing on their website.

For us, it’s been a massive change too. Normally much of our business happens through Amazon. You may know that they’re not currently sending or restocking non-essentials, and we fall under that heading. This means our sales via Amazon are hugely reduced. However, people still want our products (lots of people are now running and cycling who perhaps hadn’t before) and this means they are ordering through the BTR website. 

Business through the BTR website has grown 500% in the last three weeks.

We are wowed by this, and very pleased, given the drop off from Amazon. And while not wanting to seem ungrateful for the business, there is just the two of us here, and we’re also looking after (home-schooling?! Haha) our 6 year old son, James.

Needless to say, it’s been somewhat manic here. But we’re not complaining. It’s just different to usual. Timescales may suffer (and for that we apologise) but we’re all happy, keeping safe and, although fantastically busy, with a little help from James we’re on top of it. We hope the same goes for you and your loved ones.

Thank you for your support.

James with a stack of Royal Mail post bags

1 Response


April 22, 2020

Well done Bryn & team, nice to hear the positives..keep up the great work in these crazy unprecedented times. Wishing you all well.

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