Cyclists and traffic lights: does red mean stop?


Cyclists and traffic lights: does red mean stop?

A real life scenario: a walk to school for pick up time. About to cross our local busy A road, and I stop at the pedestrian crossing. I pressed the button, the lights went red, the cars stopped and I started to cross. Coming towards me was a cyclist on the road nearside to the pavement - an elderly man all decked out in lycra and high vis, helmet, etc - who went straight through the red light, didn’t slow down and carried on his merry way.

Fortunately, I was not in his path as I skipped across the road out of his way but surely this is, if not dangerous, pretty inconsiderate cycling?

I know this is not an unusual situation and I wonder what others feel about it? Should cyclists stop at red lights along with the other road traffic?

What do you think?

4 Responses


June 28, 2019

All road users must obey the highway code unless the situation or common sense dictate otherwise (which indicates they are in an atypical situation,) I have been riding bikes for 50+ years and have only found myself in that situation because I made a poor earlier descision.

C Lawson
C Lawson

June 25, 2019

As a cyclist myself, I believe that if you are on the roads the rules of the highway code apply to everyone. I drive a car and have ridden motorcycles and have been astonished at some of the idiotic moves some cyclists have made. Saying that, I’ve seen idiotic moves performed by a number of different transport modes. I guess we’ll never stop idiots who think they can do what they want, as frustrating as it is

Gordon Culfeather
Gordon Culfeather

June 25, 2019

Any cycles is a vehicle and governed under the road traffic act. Lack of knowledge or deliberately flouting this is just plain arrogance. To many I want to make a point and too few I want to ride.


June 25, 2019

Don’t understand why you’ve even asked the question. Of course bikes must stop at red lights. To be fair, I don’t see many that don’t but unfortunately there are idiots in/on all forms of transport who think the law doesn’t apply to them

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