From non-exerciser to committed runner: meet Xina Evans

From non-exerciser to committed runner: meet Xina Evans

Running a small business means you get the joy of interaction with your customers. In some cases you also learn a little about their background which is invariably fascinating. Recently we 'met' Claire Thomas who went from someone who had never run to now running every day.

In this blog post we meet another inspirational lady: Xina Evans. Here's Xina's story in her own words...

"I’m 46 years of age and started running about 5-6 years ago. I’d never been interested in running as I felt I didn’t have the body for it, being. Weighing 17 stone 4, I made the excuse that I was too fat to run.

Xina Evans committed runner

"One day I saw my school friend running with her dog. She inspired me as I saw how happy she was running and I wanted that feeling of happiness when exercising.

"So I started my own running group with a bunch of school mums I knew and friends from school. Over the years we went from little runs round my local lake to entering events like the Gung Ho Inflatable 5K Run and Subway 5k, as well as Race for Life as a team. That feeling of running with them and completing these challenges opened up my eyes to the joys of running.

"Over the years our running group shrank in numbers due to work and life commitments but I still carried on. I had finally found my zest for running. I’ve fallen over and fractured my ankle while running, which took 12 weeks in recovery in an air boot BUT I never gave up running. Once I was able I was back out pounding the pavements.

Xina Evans in a BTR Sports highvis reflective running gilet

"Over the years I’ve lost weight and gained it again, but now I’ve lost two stone (so far) in 13 weeks and the effect it’s had on my running has been immense. I walk lots and also do lots of home workouts focusing on strength training etc. It all helps with my running and I absolutely love working out.

"Five to six years ago I was a runner in all black clothing and no hi viz or reflective gear. NOW I’m in crazy colours and making sure I’m visible and safe on every run. I can’t stress enough how important it is to stay safe and be seen.

Xina Evans in BTR Be Totally Reflective Highvis Gilet

"I’m a happy bubbly slow runner; I know I’ll never be fast. I don’t run to chase faster paces or times as that’s too much pressure on my shoulders and it ruins the run. I’m a happy plodder and that’s how I roll. I support runners of all abilities. I’ve been heckled as a runner and it’s only made me more determined to not quit. I love a laugh and I love challenges; I’ve abseiled off Newport Transport Bridge, done a parachute jump and also held a Chilean tarantula (to cure my spider fear; it didn’t work!).

"I do lots and lots of virtual races as it’s so much less pressure on me. This year I’m almost done on my 'run 50k every month' medal . Lockdown found me running round my living room when I couldn’t get out (I don’t have a treadmill) as needs must and that’s how dedicated I am, even into lockdown #2. Running keeps me sane, keeps me seeing my friends, keeps me happy. 90% of my wardrobe is now running gear. I post regularly on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter about my runs and workouts I’ve done. I don’t post to gain followers or likes: I post to inspire and if I can say I’ve inspired at least one person to move then my job is done.

"As for my extra growing followers and likes all I can say is "wow: runners really do support one another". I’ve gained two of the best friends I could ask for through running and each week we spur each other on to get out. When we can’t we sulk but are always there to support each other. I’m so glad my school friend inspired me to run and it’s now part of my life."

Thanks for sharing your story with us Xina; your determination and commitment is truly impressive. We're always interested in hearing about our customers' exercise stories. Do get in touch if you'd like to be featured.

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